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Member Since: 8/25/XXXX
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Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Welcome, welcome...

Hello there, Ideally this will be a good place for me to catalog a lot of my personal media, but honestly, I'm terrible at sticking to one thing so I'm going to try to be flexible.

I do hope you'll enjoy what you find here. Much of the site is under construction and I will try to update this page as this site gets more fleshed out.

I'm just going to believe in the process.

Some things you'll find here are going to be a lot of works in progress and probably some abandoned ones as well. I also watch a lot of shows and have very little room for discussion in my regular life, so those musings I'll dump here. One thing I really want to work towards crafting is visual novels and ttrpg game design.

One of my biggests projects on here will be under my library page which I hope to record all of my printed media on there. I'm kind of sick going through amazon services to keep track of all my books and as troublsome as it seems I think I want to craft my own personal library. I think this will be a pain, but hopefully doing it will help me cull the avalanche of books currently occupying my space.

On this topic I will leave you with this, if applicable go out and get a library card, explore your local museums, and open your eyes to every tiny treasure that brings you joy.

Thank you for visiting, Myth